Healthcare Solutions for the Whole Person
Welcome! At Whole Health Solutions our mission is to provide the highest quality holistic healthcare in accord with a functional medicine model. We form a partnership with each individual to find their unique path to health and well-being.
Nutrition Information
We at Whole Health Solutions are dedicated to providing you with the most relevant, up to date and proven nutritional information!
Meet the Doctor
Dr. Thompson is dedicated to providing gentle, individualized healthcare that addresses the whole person from newborns to seniors.
FREE Immune Health Assessment
Fill out this short questionnaire to help determine possible immune system weakness that could make you more vulnerable to COVID-19.
Welcome to Whole Health Video
View our Welcome video to learn more about Dr. Thompson and her practice.
The Latest from Our Blog!
Making Friends with Nature … Even Viruses!
At this time of great turmoil when there is so much confusion, fear and anger in the world, many of us are earnestly trying to focus on the positive and tease meaning out of the chaos. From my perspective and experience, the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic and...
COVID-19 Defense: Compiling the Known Data for You
I have been following all my trusted sources for the best way to combat this new coronavirus and prepare your immune system to do battle. Besides my knowledge of human physiology, my sources are: the Institute for Functional Medicine, Mark Hyman,...
The Health Benefits of Gratitude
It takes no great leap of faith to believe that an attitude of gratitude is beneficial to your psyche and, with a little further thought, also to your physical health. The common line of reasoning is that, since gratitude is a positive emotion, it would make you feel...