Making Friends with Nature … Even Viruses!

Making Friends with Nature … Even Viruses!

At this time of great turmoil when there is so much confusion, fear and anger in the world, many of us are earnestly trying to focus on the positive and tease meaning out of the chaos. From my perspective and experience, the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic and...
The Health Benefits of Gratitude

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

It takes no great leap of faith to believe that an attitude of gratitude is beneficial to your psyche and, with a little further thought, also to your physical health. The common line of reasoning is that, since gratitude is a positive emotion, it would make you feel...
Sweating Out Toxins

Sweating Out Toxins

I am writing this during a record-breaking heat wave that is affecting at least two-thirds of the country. Probably not the best time to be promoting the beneficial effects of sweating! However, it IS a good time to mention that if you are out in severe heat and you...

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